Kate Hunt
Kate Hunt

Sculpture in the Wild, Lincoln, Montana
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Kate Hunt
Kate Hunt
Title; Untitled Dark Trio and Bench
Materials; Newspaper, Baling Twine, Wax

I have a personal conversation with the concept, materials and the world around me. It's a back and forth type exchange with me saying over and over, "what if......."
Growing up in this landscape I knew I couldn't compete with the trees and landscape. Instead I choose to keep the piece human scale and intimate to tell a more personal story.

Once the piece is done it becomes a conversation between the work and the audience. It is my hope that when the audience address the piece it will address them back by invoking their own stories.

"Gretchen's Bench"
Materials; Newspaper, Steel

For years, I drove through Lincoln, only slowing down for the speed limit or I came to town for the rodeo. Having spend time here building this bench for the Sculpture Park has given me a whole new appreciation for the town and its people.

I have worked with newspaper for the past four decades. It is the construction material I use to express my ideas. Lately, instead of throwing whole archives away news offices will send it to me. The bench is made up of paper from 1972-2000.

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